F450 - Arduino Heavy Lift Drone


This drone is what much of our testing is done on. It uses 10 inch propellers on a 450mm frame. Because of the 3Kg of thrust this drone can generate, it is very easy to add new testing equipment without having to worry about weight. This drone is equipped with a GPS and compass, and while the Gen5 Flight Controller does not officially support autonomous flight, this drone is working toward that goal

Parts List

Gen5 Flight Controller for Arudino

4s 1300mAh 100C Battery

4S Battery.jpg

10in Propellers 1045

EMAX 2212 935KV Motors

BLHeli_32 35A ESC


S500 Frame with PDB and Landing Legs

Why choose a 4s (14.8V) Battery instead of a 3S (11.1V)?

The original version of this drone used a 3S with a 10 inch prop, but we found that the response time of the motor was to slow. When we would command the motor to go from 10%, to 100% power, it would take a considerable amount of time before the motor would achieve the set speed. This is bad for quadcopters that need very fast motor response times. Moving to a higher voltage 4S battery gave the motor more torque.

Flight Video

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