VTOL - Vertical Take off and Landing
The Combination of a Fixed Wing Aircraft and a QUAD-COPTER
Maneuverability of a quad-copter
2 hour flight time (In fixed wing mode)
Long Range Capability like a fixed wing
Flight Speed: 0mph - 60mph
Transitional Mixer
This VTOL uses a 4 motor setup with a transitional mixer. When in “Quad-copter Mode”, all 4 motors are active and in the vertical position. To transition into “Fixed Wing Mode”, the front two motors will start to rotate down until they are horizontal, and the rear two motors will shut off. The transitional mixer ensures the process is done accurately and safely.
Build Video
First Flight Transition (and crash) Video
We found the reason for the crash after analyzing the log files. The electrical noise coming from the motors caused the receiver to loose signal and cut out. At this time, the VTOL was not equipped with return to home capability. Its fail safe commanded it to level out the control surfaces and shut off the motors. The VTOL hit the ground at over 65 mph, but it proved that the concept can work with a revision to the flight controller electronics.
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